Saturday, July 24, 2010

Signs of New Beginnings

After what has felt like an eternity of waiting, in just 2 short weeks, I will finally be starting medical school at UNC-Chapel Hill. And my good friend Nawsheen suggested that I absolutely have to start blogging about the experiences to ensue.

So I took her advice and how's this for a sign: as I was creating this new blog, it prompted me to write in the random word that came up on screen and that word was 'healin'. And one thing led to another, and I couldn't help but set the words 'TarHealer' in the URL. Haha..clever, I know.

Anyway, as excited as I am to embark on this long-awaited journey, I cannot believe how much has happened over the past few months and it saddens me that so much has to come to an end. (End of undergrad, my best friend getting married and moving hundreds of miles away, deciding to move into an apartment closer to campus and thus further from my family). Nonetheless, I am anxiously awaiting my first day of medical school and all the excitement and even obstacles that it will bring.

1 comment:

  1. YES!!!
    Cannot wait for more posts to come :)
